Berichte und Studien
Hier finden Sie Berichte und Studien zu Bildungs-, Forschungs- und Innovationssystemen weltweit, mit fachlichem und/oder regionalem Fokus.
Europ. Kommission: Hochschulbericht - Ukraine
The document "Overview of the Higher Education System" describes existing legal frameworks, policies in place as well as legislative developments and provide main statistical data.
Documents were drafted by the National Erasmus+ Offices present in…
Europ. Kommission: Hochschulbericht - Tunesien
The document "Overview of the Higher Education System" describes existing legal frameworks, policies in place as well as legislative developments and provide main statistical data.
Documents were drafted by the National Erasmus+ Offices present in…
Europ. Kommission: Hochschulbericht - Algerien
The document "Overview of the Higher Education System" describes existing legal frameworks, policies in place as well as legislative developments and provide main statistical data.
Documents were drafted by the National Erasmus+ Offices present in…
Europ. Kommission: Hochschulbericht - Marokko
The document "Overview of the Higher Education System" describes existing legal frameworks, policies in place as well as legislative developments and provide main statistical data.
Documents were drafted by the National Erasmus+ Offices present in…
Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle der Europ. Kommission (JRC): The internationalisation of research and technology organisations
The aim of this policy brief is to come to a guiding document for RTOs to engage in the process of internationalisation and thus facilitate mutual learning between RTOs. The information in report builds on a joint workshop organised by the JRC and…
RIO Länderbericht 2015 - Türkei
Der jährlich erscheinende RIO-Länderbericht analysiert und bewertet die Entwicklung und Leistungsfähigkeit der nationalen Forschungs- und Innovationssysteme sowie die nationale FuI-Politik in Bezug auf die Strategie und die Ziele der EU.
Science Europe: Intersectoral mobility schemes in Science Europe member organisations
Intersectoral mobility of researchers is gaining political momentum in Europe, with more interest in bringing in the competences that characterise researchers into public, private and not-for-profit sectors. This survey report on intersectoral…
ESCWA: The Innovation Landscape in Arab Countries: A Critical Analysis (Ägypten, Marokko, Jordanien, Libanon, Saudi-Arabien, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate)
The study proposes a framework for analysing the innovation landscape in Arab countries, which relies on the innovation policy framework described in an ESCWA study entitled “Innovation policy for inclusive sustainable development in Arab countries”.
…Europ. Kommission: PSF Country Review Ukraine – Länderberichte zu Forschungs- und Innovationssystemen
This Peer Review, launched in May 2016 aims to provide external advice and operational recommendations to the Ukrainian authorities on possible reforms to undertake in the following focus areas: (1) Optimisation of available policy instruments to…