StartseiteDokumenteDirection to the Future Swedish Research System – Goals and Recommendations

Direction to the Future Swedish Research System – Goals and Recommendations

Erscheinungsdatum: 18.03.2016 Fachberichte und -studien

The government has established an overarching goal for Swedish research policy which states that Sweden shall be a leading research country characterised by high-quality research and education. To achieve this goal every aspect of the Swedish research system must be reviewed. In this report, the Swedish Research Council proposes specific goals for the Swedish research system, along with recommendations concerning what needs to be rectified in order to attain these goals. These goals and recommendations are based on research overviews and structural analyses of various aspects of the Swedish research system. The proposals set out in the report are divided into three main sections: research funding, research infrastructure and the research system. The first two of these sections are largely aimed at the Swedish Research council’s remit to fund research of the highest scientific quality within all research fields and prepare long-term plans to secure access to research infrastructure for Swedish researchers, while the section on the research system is aimed at structural aspects throughout the system encompassing both research funding bodies and research institutions.

This report was first published in Swedish in September 2015 under the title: “Forskningens framtid! Vägval för framtidens forskningssystem: Målbild och rekommendationer”.

Quelle: Schwedischer Forschungsrat Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Schweden Themen: Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Infrastruktur

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