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Japan: Nationale Wasserstoffstrategien und -pläne

Erscheinungsdatum: 12.03.2019 Strategiedokumente

The Basic Hydrogen Strategy adopted in 2017 shows future visions that Japan should achieve with an eye on 2050 and also serves as an action plan to accomplish the visions by 2030. The strategy sets a goal that Japan should reduce hydrogen costs to the same level of conventional energy(e.g., gasoline and LNG)and to achieve the goal, provides integrated policies across ministries ranging from hydrogen production to utilization under the common goals.

Through achieving a carbon-free society under the strategy, Japan will present hydrogen to the rest of the world as a new energy choice and will lead global efforts for establishing a carbon-free society taking advantage of Japan’s strong points.

Based on the directions presented in the Basic Hydrogen Strategy and the fifth Strategic Energy Plan, a Strategic Road Map for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells last adapted in March 2016 was considerably revised in March 2019 to reflect the new targets and to specify the conditions and cost breakdown of the elemental technologies necessary for achieving the target (Council for a Strategy for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: Strategic Road Map for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells - Industry-academia-government action plan to realize a “Hydrogen Society”).

Quelle: Webseite Japanisches Handel- und Wirtschaftsministerium Redaktion: von Sonja Bugdahn, DLR Projektträger Länder / Organisationen: Japan Themen: Energie Fachkräfte Förderung Infrastruktur Netzwerke Physik. u. chem. Techn. Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit Wirtschaft, Märkte

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