StartseiteDokumenteStrategie des Norwegischen Forschungsrates 2015-20: Forschung für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit

Strategie des Norwegischen Forschungsrates 2015-20: Forschung für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit

Erscheinungsdatum: 03.07.2015 (englische Fassung) Nationale Innovationsstrategien

The Research Council of Norway’s overall strategy – Research for innovation and sustainability –sets out the guidelines and principles for the Research Council’s activities up to 2020.

The strategy revolves around six objectives.

  • Objective 1: Increase investment in breakthrough research and innovation
  • Objective 2: Enhance research for sustainable solutions in society and the business sector
  • Objective 3: Cultivate a research-oriented, innovative business sector
  • Objective 4: Promote a public sector that initiates and implements research in reform and renewal efforts
  • Objective 5: Increase international cooperation and participation in EU initiatives
  • Objective 6: Serve as a strategically-oriented research council that facilitates integrated activities and renewal in the research system.
Quelle: The Research Council of Norway Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Norwegen Themen: Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Innovation Förderung

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