Korea implemented the Industrial Complex Cluster Program in 2005 in order to convert Korean industrial complexes, which are crucial to the nation’s economic development, from mere production agglomerations into places of innovation, where the development of new knowledge and better value maintains its own virtuous cycle. Since its launch, the program has taken initiative in maximizing corporate growth potential through active networking among industries, universities, research institutes, and government. It has also heightened the sustainable structures of the industrial complexes themselves. This year, the program has established pan regional clusters through the expansion of target complexes throughout the nation in order to share the outcomes of the program and to play a leading role in promoting the government’s regional developmental policy, which was based on ‘5+2 pan regional economic zones.’ By all appearances, the program has entered its growth period this year--the sixth year since its initial launch.
The Industrial Complex Cluster Program of Korea
Erscheinungsdatum: November 2010
Nationale Innovationsstrategien
Ministry of Knowledge Economy South Korea
Länder / Organisationen:
Republik Korea (Südkorea)
Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen