Dokumente: Übersicht
Kooperation international bietet Ihnen eine Sammlung von Publikationen und Vereinbarungen, die sich mit der internationalen Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen Bildung, Forschung und Innovation befassen. Diese reichen von bilateralen Abkommen zwischen Deutschland und Ländern weltweit über Studien zum Vergleich der Leistungsfähigkeit internationaler Bildungs-, Forschungs- und Innovationssysteme bis hin zu Strategiedokumenten wichtiger Partnerländer.
Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht der verschiedenen Dokumente und Abkommen, die das Portal für Sie bereithält:
OECD: Measuring the Digital Transformation: A Roadmap for the Future
Der Bericht "Measuring the Digital Transformation: A Roadmap for the Future" soll neue Erkenntnisse zum Stand des digitalen Wandels liefern. Dazu werden die aktuellen digitalpolitischen Aspekte, die im OECD-Bericht "Going Digital: Shaping Policies,…
Europ. Kommission: Peer Review des Forschungs- und Innovationssystem in Moldau (2016)
This Peer Review, launched in November 2015 aimed to provide external advice and operational recommendations to the Moldovan authorities on possible reforms to undertake in the following focus areas: (1) Increasing the efficiency of public R&I…
UNECE Innovation for Sustainable Development Review: Belarus
The Innovation for Sustainable Development Review shows both continuity and change with respect to previous publications in this series (i.e. Innovation Performance Review). On the one hand, the new format presents a general review of the national…
Europ. Kommission: Forschungskapazität im Westbalkan nutzen (SPHERE Report)
The present study has been conducted under the European Commission’s initiative "Support to the Higher Education Reform Experts" (SPHERE) by a small team of experts. It discusses the research capacity of higher education institutions in the Western…
Europ. Kommission & Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle (JRC): Unterstützung für eine Innovationsagenda mit dem Westbalkan
The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission is committed to supporting the shift in innovation policies and improvement of research and innovation efforts and governance in the Western Balkan economies through a number of tools and…
UNESCO GO-SPIN Länderprofile: Mapping Research and Innovation in Ruanda
Upon request by the country, a country profile, representing a comprehensive study of all the science, technology and innovation (STI) policies, can be developed by UNESCO and published in the online series of GO-SPIN country profiles “Mapping…
UNESCO GO-SPIN Länderprofile: Mapping Research and Innovation in Usbekistan
Upon request by the country, a country profile, representing a comprehensive study of all the science, technology and innovation (STI) policies, can be developed by UNESCO and published in the online series of GO-SPIN country profiles “Mapping…
UNESCO GO-SPIN Länderprofile: Mapping Research and Innovation in Israel
Upon request by the country, a country profile, representing a comprehensive study of all the science, technology and innovation (STI) policies, can be developed by UNESCO and published in the online series of GO-SPIN country profiles “Mapping…
UNESCO GO-SPIN Länderprofile: Mapping Research and Innovation in Paraguay
Upon request by the country, a country profile, representing a comprehensive study of all the science, technology and innovation (STI) policies, can be developed by UNESCO and published in the online series of GO-SPIN country profiles “Mapping…