Dokumente: Übersicht
Kooperation international bietet Ihnen eine Sammlung von Publikationen und Vereinbarungen, die sich mit der internationalen Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen Bildung, Forschung und Innovation befassen. Diese reichen von bilateralen Abkommen zwischen Deutschland und Ländern weltweit über Studien zum Vergleich der Leistungsfähigkeit internationaler Bildungs-, Forschungs- und Innovationssysteme bis hin zu Strategiedokumenten wichtiger Partnerländer.
Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht der verschiedenen Dokumente und Abkommen, die das Portal für Sie bereithält:
Europ. Kommission: Hochschulbericht - Libanon
The document "Overview of the Higher Education System" describes existing legal frameworks, policies in place as well as legislative developments and provide main statistical data.
Documents were drafted by the National Erasmus+ Offices present in…
Europ. Kommission: Hochschulbericht - Syrien
The document "Overview of the Higher Education System" describes existing legal frameworks, policies in place as well as legislative developments and provide main statistical data.
Documents were drafted by the National Erasmus+ Offices present in…
Europ. Kommission: Überblick Hochschulsysteme Zentralasiens
This document forms part of a series of four regional publications by the National Erasmus+ Offices describing the Higher Education systems and the reforms currently undertaken, in the countries of four regions: Western Balkans, Eastern Europe,…
Europ. Kommission: Überblick Hochschulsysteme der Länder der Östlichen Partnerschaft
This document forms part of a series of four regional publications by the National Erasmus+ Offices describing the Higher Education systems and the reforms currently undertaken, in the countries of four regions: Western Balkans, Eastern Europe,…
Europ. Kommission: Überblick Hochschulsysteme Westbalkan
This document forms part of a series of four regional publications by the National Erasmus+ Offices describing the Higher Education systems and the reforms currently undertaken, in the countries of four regions: Western Balkans, Eastern Europe,…
Europ. Kommission: Hochschulberichte (Overview Higher Education Systems) 2017
The documents describe existing legal frameworks, policies in place as well as legislative developments and provide main statistical data.
They were drafted by the National Erasmus+ Offices present in five regions, Western Balkans (region 1),…
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Peru 2011
This book provides a comprehensive assessment of the innovation system of Peru, focusing on the role of government. It provides concrete recommendations and identifies good practices on how to improve policies that affect innovation performance,…
AlgorithmWatch und Bertelsmann Stiftung: Automating Society –Taking Stock of Automated Decision-Making in the EU
Automatisierte Entscheidungen sind in Europa bereits weit verbreitet. Wie Algorithmen angewendet und kontrolliert werden, unterscheidet sich allerdings stark. AlgorithmWatch und Bertelsmann Stiftung präsentieren in ihrem Report "Automating Society…
Atlas zu Wissenschaft und Innovation in der Islamischen Welt (AIWSI): Jordanien
The Atlas of Islamic-World Science and Innovation study explored the changing landscape of science and innovation across a diverse selection of countries with large Muslim populations in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Working closely with partners…