
Dokumente: Übersicht

Kooperation international bietet Ihnen eine Sammlung von Publikationen und Vereinbarungen, die sich mit der internationalen Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen Bildung, Forschung und Innovation befassen. Diese reichen von bilateralen Abkommen zwischen Deutschland und Ländern weltweit über Studien zum Vergleich der Leistungsfähigkeit internationaler Bildungs-, Forschungs- und Innovationssysteme bis hin zu Strategiedokumenten wichtiger Partnerländer.

Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht der verschiedenen Dokumente und Abkommen, die das Portal für Sie bereithält:

Erscheinungsdatum: 03.07.2013 Fachberichte und -studien

Europ. Kommission: Study on University-Business Cooperation in the US

University-Business Cooperation (UBC) is a relationship in flux, reflecting issues specific to the transition from an industrial to a knowledge society. UBC is undergoing a transformation from a dyadic university-business relationship, aimed at…

Erscheinungsdatum: 28.05.2019 Fachberichte und -studien

Europ. Kommission: Transfer of technology to South-East Asia

One of the challenges facing European companies coming to South-East Asia is devising creative solutions to minimise the risk to their intellectual property (IP) associated with technology transfers.

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.07.2016 Länderberichte und -studien

UNCTAD: Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review - Iran

The UNCTAD Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review 2016 is a follow-up to the first review conducted in 2005. UNCTAD collaborated with Iran in the preparation of an STI Policy (STIP) Review in 2005 - an opportune time of policy reform, when…

Erscheinungsdatum: 22.11.2011 Länderberichte und -studien

UNCTAD: Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review - Ghana

The Government of Ghana has ambitious plans for the country. On the back of strong economic growth throughout the past decade, it aims to graduate from low- to middle- income status in the next decade.

The Review is meant to offer an objective and…

Erscheinungsdatum: 16.12.2015 Länderberichte und -studien

UNCTAD: Technology and Innovation Report 2015 (Äthiopien, Nigeria, Tansania)

The UNCTAD Technology and Innovation Report 2015, subtitled Fostering Innovation Policies for Industrial Development, examines how Africa’s Governments can better implement science, technology and innovation policies, and coordinate them with…

Erscheinungsdatum: 02.05.2019 Fachberichte und -studien

Europ. Kommission und OECD: Policy brief on incubators and accelerators that support inclusive entrepreneurship

This policy brief explores the benefits of incubators and accelerators, how they support inclusive entrepreneurship, what makes them successful and how the EU can learn from the experiences of other countries. While there are relatively few examples…

Erscheinungsdatum: 15.11.2017 Fachberichte und -studien

Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle der Europ. Kommission (JRC): Financing options for technology transfer projects, internalisation and opening up research infrastructures & co-creation with external users

The European TTO CIRCLE network was established in 2011. It brings together European Public Research Organisations committed to advancing Technology Transfer in Europe and beyond. The TTO CIRCLE has 28 members, which includes the JRC of the European…

Erscheinungsdatum: 28.05.2019 Fachberichte und -studien

Europ. Kommission: IP considerations for the cleantech industry in South-East Asia

One of the challenges facing European companies coming to South-East Asia is devising creative solutions to minimise the risk to their intellectual property (IP) associated with technology transfers.

Erscheinungsdatum: 28.05.2019 Fachberichte und -studien

Europ. Kommission: IP considerations in ICT industry in South-East Asia

One of the challenges facing European companies coming to South-East Asia is devising creative solutions to minimise the risk to their intellectual property (IP) associated with technology transfers.

