StartseiteDokumenteStrategiedokumenteComprehensive Strategy on Science, Technology and Innovation - A Challenge for Creating Japan in a New Dimension

Comprehensive Strategy on Science, Technology and Innovation - A Challenge for Creating Japan in a New Dimension

Erscheinungsdatum: 07.06.2013 Nationale Innovationsstrategien

Due to such economic hardship, Japan’s financial conditions are getting worse and its financial capacity to carry out political measures is receding. At this rate, the sustainability may become questionable. And among others, what is most urgent now is to recover from the Great East Japan Earthquake as early as possible and to be prepared for future large-scale natural disasters. All these problems overhang the nation, further enhancing uncertainty in maintaining and improving the quality of life, and a sense of insecurity and stagnation has risen among the people.

Can Japan pass growth and prosperity of the economy and society, safety, security, and stability of the life of the people, and “dreams and prospects for a bright future” on to the next generation? Japan is standing at crossroad for the future. We have to work on revitalization of the nation, keeping the sense of impending crisis in mind. This is the responsibility of the current generation for the future generations, and now is the crucial moment.

What are ideal shapes of Japan’s society and economy in the future? What are the challenges to realize them? How can science, technology and innovation contribute to overcoming the challenges? It is essential to come out with the whole picture of the science, technology and innovation policies as problem-solving strategy packages, and this Comprehensive Strategy on Science, Technology and Innovation is it.

Hinweis: Bei dem Dokument handelt es sich um eine vorläufige Übersetzung.

Quelle: Council for Science and Technology Policy, Japan Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Japan Themen: Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Innovation
