Mit Strategiedokumenten setzen Regierungen den Rahmen für Ihre Bildungs-, Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik sowie für die Kooperation mit anderen Ländern in diesen Bereichen. Hier finden Sie entsprechende Strategiedokumente von Ländern weltweit.
G7: Gemeinsame Mitteilung der Ministerinnen und Minister für Bildung und Entwicklung
This is the Joint communiqué of the G7 Ministers of Education and International Development: Tackling inequality in developing countries through gender-responsive education and quality Technical and vocational education and training.
Montenegro: Nationale Roadmap für Forschungsinfrastrukturen
Die vom Ministerium für Wissenschaft Montenegros veröffentlichte 'Revised Roadmap for Research Infrastructure of Montenegro 2019-2020' basiert auf der ersten Version der Roadmap für den Zeitraum 2015-2020. Die Roadmap bietet eine Übersicht über die…
Portugal: Nationale Strategie zu Künstlicher Intelligenz 2030
In June 2019, the Portuguese Government presented the national strategy "AI Portugal 2030" to set out challenges and opportunities of the growing AI ecosystem in Portugal. This strategy presents the plan to foster the use of AI in the public and…
International Energy Agency (IEA): The Future of Hydrogen. Seizing Today’s Opportunities
At the request of the government of Japan under its G20 presidency, the International Energy Agency produced this landmark report to analyse the current state of play for hydrogen and to offer guidance on its future development.
The report finds…
Europ. Kommission: PSF Country Review Malta – Länderberichte zu Forschungs- und Innovationssystemen
The objective of the Peer Review of the Maltese Research and Innovation (R&I) System is to provide recommendations to inform the design of the next National R&I Strategy Plan 2020. The review will assess to what extent Malta has adequate and…
Europ. Kommission: PSF Specific Support Lettland – Länderberichte zu Forschungs- und Innovationssystemen
The aim of the PSF Specific Support to Latvia is to provide external advice and recommendations on reforms and actions to address the development of Latvia’s human capital for research and innovation (R&I), focusing on:
Policies for attracting and…
Finnland: Nationale Strategie zu Künstlicher Intelligenz
The strategy highlights Finland’s possibilities in the global market along with its strengths and weaknesses in AI. It describes how AI will transform society and provides a range of policy actions and recommendations for Finland to thrive in the age…
Europ. Kommission: PSF Specific Support Montenegro – Länderberichte zu Forschungs- und Innovationssystemen
The Specific Support to Montenegro provides external advice and operational recommendations on how the country could develop its entrepreneurial innovation ecosystem. Specifically, the expert panel will provide advice on the necessary legislative…
Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle der Europ. Kommission (JRC): Practical guidelines on open education for academics. Modernising higher education via open educational practices (based on the OpenEdu Framework)
These guidelines are for the academic staff of higher education institutions, with the goal of helping them move towards the use of open educational practices (OEP) in order to widen participation in education. The guidelines are meant to provide an…