Inhalt dieser Ausgabe
Global / Multilateral
- Asia-Pacific to Boost Integration of Education, Science
- Linking Human Rights, Science and Development
- G20 Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS)
EU / Europa
- EU-Kommission – Mitteilung zur internationalen Zusammenarbeit in Forschung und Innovation
- EU-Kommission fordert Anerkennung des nonformalen und informellen Lernens
- EU-Kommission legt Monitoringbericht 2011 vor
- ERC's Scientific Council Adopts a Scientific Misconduct Strategy
- ESFRI: Research Infrastructures for Europe
- Nobel Price in Physics Goes to ERC Grantee
- EU Signs New Partnership with UNESCO on Education, Culture, Science and Human Rights
- New Business Portal for the Creative Industries
- Deutschland ist in Europa erster Partner der ANR bei der Förderung von Forschungsprojekten
- Ausgaben für Bildung und Forschung in Frankreich sollen trotz strenger Haushaltsdisziplin um 2,2 % wachsen
- Government of Canada Supports Research on Aging
- Ocean Networks Canada Is a Critical Hub for Research and Technology
- Skolkovo Tech Establishes First Pillars in Its Drive to Build Capacity in Research, Education, and Innovation
- Obama and Romney Define S&T Priorities
- AAAS Report: R&D Funding and Sequestration
- House Rejects Bill to Grant Visas to STEM Graduates
- Energy Department Announces New Investments in University-Led Nuclear Energy Innovation
- Algeria to Open Research Sector to Foreign Scientists
- Groundbreaking Australian Technology Leads the Way to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA)
- Budget Proposal: 6.7 Billion Euros for Administrative Branch of Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
- Eight Finnish Researchers Receive ERC Starting Grants
- Aktualisierte Informationen zur norwegischen Forschung und Entwicklung
- Ten Years of the SkatteFUNN Tax Incentive Scheme
- Awards for 2012: Research Council Recognises Excellence in Research, Communication and Innovation
- Top-up Financing from the Research Council of Norway: More Funds for Mobile Researchers
- The Research Council on the Offensive
- Weltraumforschung: Deutschland und Österreich unterzeichnen Kooperationsabkommen
- Smarter on the way: ITS World Congress 2012 in Wien
- Billions of Spanish Research Euros Remain Unspent
- South Africa to Open US$ 40 Million HIV and TB Facility
- Consultation Started to Establish the New Research Infrastructure Tender