Inhalt dieser Ausgabe
Global / Multilateral
- Goals for Science in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
- Conference on Innovation for Inclusive Development
- Patent Laws Key to Drug Innovation, Argues Report
- R&D Funding for Neglected Diseases 'Failing'
- South-South Tech Cooperation: a Call to Action
- PACF 2012: Evolving Innovative Cluster Initiatives for African Development
- UNESCO's Science Policy Schemes Face Funding Crisis
- Future Earth Transition Team Proposes Three Research Themes
- Inclusive Wealth: Transition Towards Sustainability
- Veröffentlichung des globalen Energieberichts: Transformation der Energiesysteme hat viele Vorteile
- OECD untersucht den Einfluss der Politik auf Technologiepfade
- EFA Global Monitoring Report – Youth and Skills: Putting Education to Work
EU / Europa
- 50 Million Euros Project Aims to Produce 1,500 Stem Cell Lines for Drug Discovery
- Multi-Billion Desert Energy Project Under Threat
- EU's Research Grants for Africa in Limbo
- Studie untersucht, inwiefern lebenslanges Lernen unerlässlich für Beschäftigungsfähigkeit ist
- Europäisches Parlament verabschiedet EU-Patent
- Time Running out for EU Student Exchange Financing
- The Nordic Countries Must Do More for the Climate
- Gesetzentwurf zur Forschung an menschlichen embryonalen Stammzellen vom Senat angenommen
- Debate on Future of Higher Education and Research
- U.K. Government Injects Nearly $ 1 Billion into Research
- UK Secures £ 1.2 Billion Package of Space Investment
- Strategy for UK Life Sciences: One Year On
- Italian Particle Physics Facility Scuttled by Funding Woes
- Systematic Corruption Alleged Within Italian Research Ministry
- Pläne zu Hochschulreformen
- New Research Partnerships Between Colleges and Local Businesses to Foster Innovation
- Harper Government Supports New Research on HIV/AIDS
- NIH Steps up Enforcement of Public Access Policy
- NIH Backs off Plan to Merge Addiction Institutes
- Presidential Report Calls for New “Innovation Ecosystem” for Agricultural Research
- Post-Election Questions Remain amid Fiscal Cliff Negotiations
- Proposal to Create U.S. Weather Commission
- NSF Graduate Research Fellows Offered New Opportunities to Pursue Research Abroad
- Education as an Export is Worth Billions
- Universities Seize Asian Century as China Becomes No.1 Partner
- 22 Einrichtungen gründen Innovationsnetzwerk
- Finnland strebt Reduktion der Treibhausgasemissionen um 80 % bis 2050 an
- Finland’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean
- Finnish R&D Expenditure Grew Moderately
- Mapping Tool to Support Sustainable Palm-Oil Farming
- Iraq Unveils Plan to Revamp Science Infrastructure
- NWO Chair Jos Engelen: Spend 150 Million Euros from the Coalition Agreement on the Best Research
- Zehn Jahre Spitzenforschungszentren in Norwegen
- Halfway to the Finish Line: Funding Instruments for Regional R&D and Innovation Evaluated
- Klare Prioritätensetzung in Wissenschaft und Forschung
- Österreichische Nachhaltigkeitsforschung auf Spitzenniveau als zentrales Zukunftsthema