StartseiteFörderungNachrichtenEMBO ernennt 27 Wissenschaftler zu Young Investigators

EMBO ernennt 27 Wissenschaftler zu Young Investigators

Die Europäische Molekularbiologie Organisation EMBO hat 27 Wissenschaftler aus 11 Ländern zu "Young Investigators" ernannt. Im Rahmen des Programms unterstützt die Wissenschaftsorganisation junge Wissenschaftler beim Aufbau eigener Forschungsgruppen.

Twenty-seven researchers named as EMBO Young Investigators

EMBO announced the selection of 27 young researchers as EMBO Young Investigators. The scientists join a network of 342 current and past Young Investigators who represent some of the best young group leaders contributing to research in Europe and beyond.

“The status of EMBO Young Investigator helps researchers under the age of 40 build their first independent teams and achieve a level of recognition that offers immediate benefits,” says Gerlind Wallon, Manager of the Young Investigator Programme. “The networking activities provide an additional layer of support for the young researchers.”

This year the programme received 202 applications. Thirteen per cent of the candidates who applied were selected and the new investigators originate from 11 countries. To learn mor about this year Young Investigators visit the EMBO press release.

The Young Investigator Programme provides support for researchers who have established their first laboratories in the past four years. The researchers receive a range of benefits, including an award of 15,000 Euros and the opportunity to apply for additional funds to help start their first independent research laboratories. Laboratory management and non-scientific skills training as well as PhD courses offer the young group leaders and their students the chance to develop professional skills. The scientists also receive access to core facilities at EMBL and funding for themselves and their group members to attend conferences.

The next application deadline is 1 April 2015.

Quelle: Europäische Molekularbiologie Organisation EMBO / IDW Nachrichten Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Global Themen: Fachkräfte Förderung Lebenswissenschaften

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