StartseiteFörderungNachrichtenEnterprise Europe Network: Auszeichnung für internationale Kooperationen zwischen europäischen KMUs

Enterprise Europe Network: Auszeichnung für internationale Kooperationen zwischen europäischen KMUs

Die Europäische Kommission hat am 23. Spetember in Brüssel KMUs aus Großbritannien, Tschechien, Ungarn, Spanien, Griechenland und Deutschland für ihre europäischen Aktivitäten mit dem Enterprise Europe Network Award ausgezeichnet.

Enterprise Europe Network Awards recognise successful international cooperation between SMEs

The European Commission honoured companies from the UK, Czech Republic, Hungary, Spain, Germany and Greece at the Enterprise Europe Network Awards held at Solvay Library in Brussels on 23 September 2014.

The awards recognise small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who are successfully taking advantage of the opportunities offered by Europe's single market by using the powerful services and support of the Enterprise Europe Network.

Through local business and innovation organisations, this EU-funded Network helps SMEs find partners in Europe and beyond, and provides an integrated range of support services to businesses, such as advising on European programmes and legislation. Supporting SMEs is an essential component of EU strategy for creating jobs and economic growth.

SMEs from across Europe competed for awards in three categories:

  • The New Markets category showcases SMEs that have branched out beyond national borders by using the Network's partnership services. This years winners are top British design company Rokos Design, and Sklarna Novosad & Syn Harrachov, the Czech Republics oldest glass manufacturer. The two companies were brought together through the Network, leading to the development of a new glass-production technology with lowered manufacturing costs. More
  • The New Success category features SMEs that have successfully benefited from the Network's advisory services. Winner, Budapest-based Ateknea Solutions used the Network to find an SME partner - Spanish maker of virtual reality and 3D computer solutions, Virtualware - to complete its consortium and receive EUR 1.716 million in funding for the research and development of an interactive computer tablet for the visually impaired. More
  • The New Horizons category rewards SMEs that have flourished through Network-organised events and missions. The winner in this category is German company Touristikbüro für Medienarbeit, Text und Marketing. Their participation in the Mission for Growth brokerage event in Athens in 2013 resulted in three partnership agreements to develop cycling tourism and to take over the marketing of Greek SME, Campervan Rental Services. More

Among the attendees at the awards were MEPs, diplomats and representatives of chambers of commerce from across Europe.

Quelle: Europäische Kommission - Aktuelles Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Griechenland Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien) Tschechische Republik Ungarn Spanien Themen: Förderung Wirtschaft, Märkte

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