StartseiteFörderungNachrichtenEU-Projekt TIMON für ein nachhalitges und intelligentes Straßenverkehrssystem in Bilbao gestartet

EU-Projekt TIMON für ein nachhalitges und intelligentes Straßenverkehrssystem in Bilbao gestartet

Das von der Europäischen Kommission mit 5,5 Millionen Euro geförderte Projekt TIMON soll ein integriertes intelligentes nachhaltiges Straßenverkehrssystem entwickeln. Dazu sollen neue Möglichkeiten zur Datenerfassung entwickelt und diese mit bestehenden Verkehrsdaten über eine online Plattform in Echtzeit zusammengeführt werden, um neue Dienstleistungen anbieten zu können. Diese werden zunächst in einem Pilotprojekt in Slowenien getestet. Von deutscher Seite ist die Fraunhofer Gesellschaft an dem Projekt beteiligt.

The European project TIMON kicks off in Bilbao

Funded with over EUR 5.5 million, the TIMON project, coordinated by the University of Deusto, aims to make road transport more efficient, sustainable and safer. Partners from eight different countries will be working on the project, which will be coordinated by the research team, Deusto Tech Mobility, attached to the Engineering Faculty.

The European project, TIMON (Enhanced real time services for an optimized multimodal mobility relying on cooperative networks and open data) kicked off on 3 and 4 June in Bilbao with a meeting to celebrate the launch. This event followed several months of negotiations which led to the signing of an agreement with the European Commission.

The development of a new intelligent, environmentally friendly and integrated road transport system is one of the seven social challenges set by the European Commission in the Horizon 2020 Research Programme. TIMON has been financed under the support programme to achieve this goal, specifically organised through the call 'MG-3.5a-2014: Cooperative ITS for safe, congestion-free and sustainable mobility'.

The ultimate aim of TIMON is to increase the safety, sustainability, flexibility and efficiency of road transport systems through new web platform and mobile application-based services that make intensive use of new cooperative communication and ubiquitous transport data collection. The innovative concept underlying this project is to highlight the huge amounts of transport data that can be generated through cooperative hybrid sensor networks placed on roads, vehicles, motorists and pedestrians.

Once these data have been appropriately screened, homogenized and combined with other existing data from multimodal transport, they can be processed through advanced data mining techniques backed by artificial intelligence and Big Data. The combination of these technologies will make it possible to supply traffic information in real time and generate new services for all the users of the transport ecosystem. These services will be checked by a pilot deployed in an intercity area of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The project consortium is formed by eleven entities from eight different European countries (Spain, Germany, Italy, England, Hungary, Slovenia, Belgium and the Netherlands) and is led by the Deusto Tech Mobility research team (Engineering Faculty, University of Deusto), which will receive EUR 943 750 for their participation. Leire Serrano is the administrative coordinator and Asier Perallos will be in charge of the project’s technical side.

Quelle: CORDIS - Nachrichten Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Themen: Förderung Mobilität Information u. Kommunikation Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit

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