StartseiteFörderungNachrichtenIndikatoren Report: Detaillierte Informationen über Norwegens FuE

Indikatoren Report: Detaillierte Informationen über Norwegens FuE

Englischsprachiger Artikel des Norwegischen Forschungsrats über den aktuellen (2010) "Report on Science and Technology Indicators for Norway".

The extensive presentation of statistics and indicators found in the 2010 Report on Science and Technology Indicators for Norway offers a valuable framework for viewing Norwegian research and innovation, complete with commentary and analysis.

"The Report on Science and Technology Indicators represents the most important compilation of information we have about research, innovation and education in Norway in a single report," says Director General of the Research Council Arvid Hallén.

This year's report will be published in Norwegian only, and will be available in both a printed and an electronic version. The printed version will be published in mid-October. Click here to download the preliminary electronic version (in Norwegian).

International perspectives
"An important aim of preparing the indicators report is to establish internationally comparable data so that we can view the situation in Norway in relation to other countries," explains Mr Hallén, who cautions that comparisons must be made with care. "We must take into account the organisational and cultural differences that exist between countries."

Published annually
The indicators report was previously published every second year, but will now be published annually. "Since policy-making conforms to a great degree to lines drawn up in annual budget processes, it is in our best interest that the data underlying these processes is updated just as frequently," states the director general.

An abridged English version will still be published every second year.

New data on regional conditions
This year's report features a new, separate chapter on regional conditions.

"The recently-established regional research funds give the county authorities and other regional players a set of new instruments to use in innovation activities ' and thus they too have a need for an up-to-date knowledge base," asserts Mr Hallén.

The Report on Science and Technology Indicators for Norway is a collaborative effort between the Norwegian Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU STEP), Statistics Norway and the Research Council. The editorial committee also includes representatives from Innovation Norway and the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions.

Quelle: The Research Council of Norway Redaktion: von Miguel Krux, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Norwegen Themen: Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Innovation Förderung Infrastruktur Fachkräfte Ethik, Recht, Gesellschaft

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