StartseiteFörderungNachrichtenPolen: Förderung von Forschungsaufenthalten für Wissenschaftler aus dem Ausland

Polen: Förderung von Forschungsaufenthalten für Wissenschaftler aus dem Ausland

Ein Monatsgehalt von 4.050 Euro für einen Forschungsaufenthalt von bis zu zwei Jahren, die Erstattung von Umzugs- und Haushaltsmehrkosten, kostenlose Weiterbildungsangebote, eigene Projektverantwortung und volle Kostenübernahme für die aufnehmenden Einrichtungen - das Polonez-Programm soll die Attraktivität Polens für ausländische Wissenschaftler steigern. Das Programm zielt auch darauf ab, polnische Wissenschaftler aus dem Ausland zurückzuholen. Das Nationale Wissenschaftszentrum wird den ersten Aufruf zur Einreichung von Bewerbungen im Herbst eröffnen. Polonez geht einher mit weiteren in den letzten Monaten angekündigten Fördermaßnahmen für eine stärkere Internationalisierung der polnischen Wissenschaft.

POLONEZ - internships for foreign scientists in Poland

4.050 Euro per month for up to two years, managing own research project and a series of soft skills development courses - all these opportunities are offered within the new "Polonez" grant. The National Science Centre (NSC) will open a call for proposals this fall.

"We need to attract scientists that conduct research at the world’s highest level. Polish citizens working at foreign universities that are willing to return to Poland can also benefit from the grant. More and more often we hear about willingness to return, but it is frequently accompanied by a concern regarding future scientific career. We want to provide the best conditions for scientists to conduct research in Poland. Building a social and intellectual capital is the flywheel of Polish innovative economy." - said Minister of Science Prof. Kolarska-Bobińska.

The Ministry of Science is pursuing a number of activities and programmes that promote the mobility of students and researchers, including “Mobility Plus” and "Studies for the outstanding". The Ministry is also concluding recent works on the university internationalisation programme. The number of foreign students in Poland has been growing dynamically for the last three years. Currently there are more than 46,000 foreigners studying in Poland. It is also a positive effect of the "Ready, Study, Go! Poland" campaign launched by the Ministry in 2012.

"Polonez" is targeted towards researchers coming from abroad who wish to conduct research at Polish universities, research institutes and institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Researchers from around the world who have a PhD degree (pl. doktor) or at least four years of research experience in full-time employment may apply for the grant. They also need to fulfill one important condition – applicants couldn’t live, work or study in Poland for more than 12 months within the three years prior to application.

Foreign researchers can apply for one or two year internships at the Polish scientific units and will receive a monthly salary of 4.050 Euro gross. Additionally, they can count on the allowance for the change of their place of residence - 300 Euro gross, in the case of people traveling with their families – further 300 Euro gross household allowance.

NSC will provide 100 per cent funding to each research unit hosting a foreign researcher. Money will go on implementation of the research project led by the foreign scientist and indirect project costs of 20 per cent. "Polonez" will also give the opportunity to participate in extensive training organized by NSC. "Polonez" is financed by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme Marie Curie Actions COFUND 2014. More information on "Polonez" is available here.

Quelle: Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Polen Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen Fachkräfte Förderung Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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