StartseiteFörderungNachrichtenPolen: Parlament verabschiedet Budget 2015 für Forschung und Hochschulbildung

Polen: Parlament verabschiedet Budget 2015 für Forschung und Hochschulbildung

Das im Dezember 2014 verabschiedete Budget sieht mit etwa 7,4 Milliarden Zloty (1,7 Mrd. EURO) für die Forschung eine Steigerung von 10 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr vor, für die Hochschulbildung ist eine Steigerung von 6 Prozent auf 16 Milliarden Zloty (3,7 Mrd. EURO) vorgesehen.

Parliament adopted the budget for 2015. More than 7.4 billion zlotys will be earmarked for science (over 10 percent more than this year), and more than 16 billion zlotys are the amounts for higher education (6 percent increase in relation to the previous year).

Ministry of Science and Higher Education reported in a release sent to PAP that the state budget expenditures on science in 2015 will reach 7 billion 438 million zlotys, about 690 million more than this year. This is a 10.2 percent increase compared with 2014.

Ministry of Science noted that state spending on science in relation to GDP would increase from 0.39 percent in 2014 to 0.42 percent in 2015. "This will allow to accomplish the target announced by the government, which assumes that by 2020 spending on research, development and innovation in Poland should reach 2 percent GDP" - reads the release.

Spending on higher education will also increase in 2015. Its budget is 14 billion 975 million zlotys, and 16 billion 16 million zlotys taking into account specific allowances. In comparison with 2014 it is an increase by 905 million zlotys or 6 percent. Funds have also been provided for the third stage of salary increases for researchers - 1 billion 40 million zlotys.

Quelle: Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Polen Themen: Förderung

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