StartseiteFörderungNachrichtenSkoltech: Bilanz nach der zweiten Auschreibungsrunde zur Gründung von Zentren für Forschung, Bildung und Innovation

Skoltech: Bilanz nach der zweiten Auschreibungsrunde zur Gründung von Zentren für Forschung, Bildung und Innovation

Das Skolkovo Institut für Wissenschaft und Technologie (Skoltech) erhielt zum Ende der zweiten Ausschreibungsrunde zur Gründung von Zentren für Forschung, Bildung und Innovation (CREIs) 143 Anträge, darunter 12 Bewerbungen von Nobelpreisträgern. Die Anträge werden nun von einer internationalen Kommission geprüft, die Gewinner müssen in einem zweiten Schritt ein komplettes Konzept vorlegen. Bis 2018 möchte Skoltech mindestens 15 solcher Zentren unterhalten. Drei CREI-Gründungen, die aus der ersten Ausschreibungsrunde hervorgegangen sind, stehen unmittelbar bevor.

The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) announces receiving 143 proposals, including applications from 12 Nobel Laureates, at the close of its second-round call for proposals to form Centers for Research, Education, and Innovation (CREIs).

World-wide recognition of Skoltech’s CREI process continues to grow, as the Institute received approximately one-third more applications than in the first round in February 2012.

CREIs have been initiated by Skoltech as a new model of research to address critical problems facing the needs of industry and society, particularly in a Russian context. Skoltech accepts proposals in five strategic areas: biomedicine, energy, IT, space and nuclear science and technology.

In the latest round, applications were submitted from 37 countries on five continents, with researchers belonging to National Academies in Asia, Europe and North America. In all, 381 universities participated in the competition with the largest number of applications coming from Russia, the USA, Germany, the UK and France.

These ambitious projects couple research with education and innovation as key components in building capacity at the university, including world-class research teams, instruments, and facilities. A CREI can receive up to $12 million in annual funding for five years, and Skoltech expects to create 5 to 7 CREIs in the second round. Each CREI is conceived as an international partnership, and teams are required to consist of leading educators and researchers from both a Russian university or institute and a non-Russian university.

White paper submission is the first of two competitive selection steps that teams must overcome before forming a CREI. Applicants presented a general overview of their concept for research, education and innovation by November 30, 2012. An international peer review panel will evaluate each white paper and select proposals for in-depth exploration.

Those research teams will receive notification and invitations to present a full proposal by March 29, 2013. Finalists will then present their vision and plans before an international review panel. This panel of experts identifies the top projects, and the Skoltech Board of Trustees approves the leading proposals.

Results for the second round will be announced after successful negotiations.

Skoltech plans to form at least 15 CREIs by 2018. Three centers have already been selected and announced in the first round and are in the final stages of negotiation.

Quelle: Skoltech - Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Russland Themen: Infrastruktur Förderung Netzwerke

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