To enable the Resource Nexus approach to integrated resource management and sustainable development, UNU-FLORES has developed a new research programme intended to . This new p turn UNU-FLORES into the global hub for Resource Nexus Analytics, Informatics, and Data (AID) is focused on identifying, developing, and promoting data, information, computational techniques, and analytical tools that facilitate the sustainable management of water, soil, waste, energy, and geo-resources based on nexus thinking. The Resource Nexus AID Programme benefits from a Modular structure. This type of structure gives the programme a great level of flexibility and efficiency to engage a large network of professionals, and develop new areas to focus on a proactive and reactive basis to address emerging and significant Resource Nexus problems through collaboration, knowledge exchange, and resource sharing. The Programme is composed of multiple modules - each focused on a particular problem that has a global or regional significance from scientific, policy, and societal standpoints. Each module will be run by a working group composed of a diverse group of AID scientists and professionals from academia, industry, intergovernmental agencies, government organizations, and non-profit entities based in both the global north and south. Each module will have a designated leader (working group director) and a UN focal point (one working group member who is from the UN University system or another UN agency). The ultimate goal of the working groups associated with each module is to create an up-to-date and state-of-the-art inventory of AID tools and resources that can enable the global community, who work at the interface of science-policy-society, to tackle the significant regional and international problems through an AID-based Resource Nexus approach.
Resource Nexus AID Programme
- 31.12.2023
Förderkennzeichen: RNAP2023
Koordinator: United Nations University (UNU - FLORES)
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
DLR Projektträger
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