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Afrikanische Union: Agenda 2063

Erscheinungsdatum: April 2015 Nationale Innovationsstrategien

"Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want" by the African Union is both a Vision and an Action Plan. It is a call for action to all segments of African society to work together to build a prosperous and united Africa based on shared values and a common destiny. Aming to encourage discussion among all stakeholders, “Agenda 2063” is an approach to how the continent should effectively learn from the lessons of the past, build on the progress now underway and strategically exploit all possible opportunities available in the short, medium and long term, so as to ensure positive socioeconomic transformation within the next 50 years.

Quelle: Afrikanische Union Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Ägypten Algerien Angola Äthiopien Benin Botsuana Burkina Faso Côte d'Ivoire Gambia Ghana Kamerun Kenia Libyen Mali Marokko Namibia Niger Nigeria Region Ostafrika Region südliches Afrika Region Westafrika Ruanda Senegal Somalia Südafrika Tansania Togo Tunesien Zentralafrikanische Republik Themen: Innovation Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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