StartseiteLänderAfrikaGhanaGhana: CSIR - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

Ghana: CSIR - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

Forschungseinrichtungen und -infrastruktur Politikberatung

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is the foremost national science and technology institution in Ghana. The CSIR is mandated to pursue, among others, the implementation of government policies on scientific research and development, coordinate R&D activities in the CSIR and other S&T institutions nationwide and assist the government in the formulation of S&T policies for national development. The CSIR is further required to commercialize appropriate technologies, in partnership with the private sector and other stakeholders, and encourage in the national interest, scientific and industrial research of importance for the development of agriculture, health, medicine, environment, technology and other service sectors of the economy.

The Statutory Governing Council is made up of a chairman and 21 members. They /these include representatives of selected Ministries (Food and Agriculture, Health, Trade and Industries, Environment, Education, Science and Technology), the Universities various production and commercial association (Mines, Industry, Commerce, Engineers), Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences, National Development Planning Commission, CSIR Directors, Senior Staff of CSIR, among others. The CSIR Acts requires that 40 percent of the membership of the council be drawn from the private sector. The Council is answerable to the Minister of Environment, Science and Technology, and Innovation (MESTI).

Quelle: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Redaktion: von Miguel Krux, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Ghana Themen: Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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