StartseiteLänderAmerikaUSAUSA: Industriekonsortium und Universität Albany eröffnen Exzellenzzentrum für fortschrittliche Halbleiterentwicklung

USA: Industriekonsortium und Universität Albany eröffnen Exzellenzzentrum für fortschrittliche Halbleiterentwicklung

Das Industriekonsortium SEMATECH, das College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering CNSE der Universität Albany und das Technologieinstitut SUNYIT verkündeten den Start eines neuen Exzellenzzentrums für Strukturierungsverfahren zur Herstellung sehr dichter und kleiner Halbleitertrukturen. Das Exzellenzzentrum stellt lithographische Ausstattung und Materialien zur Verfügung und soll Fertigungsunternehmen den Zugang zu vertikal integrierten Halbleiterproduktionsstätten ermöglichen. Mit der Zusammenarbeit von SEMATECH und CNSE/SUNYIT werden die Kosten für Materialien und Entwicklungsprozesse geteilt und der Bedarf der Industrie unterstützt.

SEMATECH and Newly Merged SUNY CNSE/SUNYIT Launch New Patterning Center to Further Advance Materials Development

Center to Provide Access to Critical Tools that Support Semiconductor Technology Node Development

SEMATECH and the newly merged SUNY College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) / SUNY Institute of Technology (SUNYIT) announced on 08/08/14 they have launched their joint Patterning Center of Excellence. The new Center will leverage the CNSE/SUNYIT lithography infrastructure which includes state-of-the-art film deposition and etch capability, leading-edge patterning systems and SEMATECH's Resist Materials Development Center's (RMDC) world class EUV imaging capabilities.

​The Patterning Center of Excellence (CoE) will enable lithography equipment and lithographic materials manufacturing companies access to a vertically integrated semiconductor processing facility. The new Center aims to reduce the tangible and intangible costs of developing critical lithography materials for individual semiconductor companies. CNSE has continued to build capability, enabling technological excellence as represented by the Center for Semiconductor Research (CSR), a leading-edge research center valued at more than $1 billion established at CNSE in May 2005; the Global 450 Consortium (G450C), which is focused on building the 450mm wafer and equipment development environment; and by CNSE's membership in SEMATECH.

"Building on SEMATECH's recent achievements in mask blank and resist, the new Patterning Center will provide the critical capabilities that will continue to produce the results that our members and the industry need to show that EUV lithography is manufacturable," said Michael Lercel Senior Director and Chief Technologist at SEMATECH. "Furthermore, the new Center will provide an excellent platform for advancing cost-effective semiconductor materials and process solutions needed to enable EUV and emerging patterning technologies."

Advances in lithographic patterning critically depend on the timely availability of enabling resists and materials. The new center, a vital component that builds on SEMATECH's mask blank and novel imaging efforts, will enable companies to assess their materials, test new tooling, and validate designs for the manufacturing EUVL and other next-generation technologies through access to the newly merged CNSE/SUNYIT's advanced fabrication facilities.

Over the past decade, SEMATECH has enabled fast cycle time of resist and materials development by providing the industry access to successive generations of small field exposure tools. In addition, SEMATECH's projects have succeeded in measuring the outgassing characteristics in hundreds of EUV resists and materials formulations, and delivering thousands of EUV exposure shifts to member companies that have enabled tens of thousands of materials formulations to be evaluated.

CNSE/SUNYIT has, over the past decade, enabled advanced 193nm resist and materials development, etch characterization, defect characterization and integrated process flow demonstration to its partner ecosystem.

SEMATECH and CNSE/SUNYIT's new Patterning Center is taking the collaboration with CNSE/SUNY IT and its global ecosystem and research network one step further by enabling them to share the costs for advancing resist and materials and process development to support the critical needs of industry.

For more information on membership benefits and participation in the Patterning Center of Excellence, please contact:

Edward Barth
e-mail: edward.barth(at),

Kevin Cummings 
e-mail: kevin.cummings(at),

Warren Montgomery 
e-mail: wmontgomery(at)

Media Contacts:

Jerry Gretzinger,
VP of Strategic Communications and Public Relations
phone: (518) 956-7359
e-mail: jgretzinger(at)

Erica McGill,
SEMATECH Marketing Communications Manager
phone: 518-649-1041
e-mail: media.relations(at)

Quelle: College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) of the University at Albany Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: USA Themen: Physik. u. chem. Techn. Engineering und Produktion Infrastruktur Netzwerke Bildung und Hochschulen

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