StartseiteLänderAsienAsien: Länder ZentralasiensEurop. Kommission: Forschungs- und Innovationskooperation mit den Ländern Zentralasiens

Europ. Kommission: Forschungs- und Innovationskooperation mit den Ländern Zentralasiens

Bildungs- und Forschungskooperation Fachportale und -informationen

The EU and Central Asian countries share the common goal of achieving stability and prosperity by means of peaceful interaction, political cooperation and economic development.

The EU is strongly committed to strengthening its relations in all areas of cooperation with Central Asian countries. This effort is implemented through the EU-Central Asia: Strategy for a New Partnership.

Increased cooperation in science and research is of mutual interest for the EU and Central Asian countries because the two regions share numerous scientific challenges. Investments and cooperation focuses on innovation and especially on innovative agriculture and sustainable energy.

Quelle: Webseite Europ. Kommission Redaktion: von Sonja Bugdahn, DLR Projektträger Länder / Organisationen: Kasachstan Kirgisistan Mongolei Tadschikistan Turkmenistan Usbekistan EU Themen: Förderung Grundlagenforschung Innovation Netzwerke Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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