12. Deutsch-Polnisches Kolloquium der Studentenwerke 2018

Zeitraum: 28.08.2018 - 31.08.2018 Ort: Dessau Land: Deutschland

Different Angles: Student Services in changing political, social, economic and cultural contexts

The contexts for student services in higher education are rapidly changing. Today, services must respond to political changes that arise from new governments or policies in higher education. They must find answers to new challenges in the social, economic and cultural contexts of all students in higher education.

This is why the 12th Polish-German Colloquium on Student Services will take different angles on current issues in student services. The colloquium, a biannual European student affairs conference jointly arranged by the German Student Service (DSW) and the Polish Rectors Conference (KRASP) will be held on August 28-31, 2018 in the city of Dessau.

The conference program includes the following panels and topics:

  • Current developments in higher education policy in Germany, Poland and Europe
  • The social situation of students in Europe: results from Eurostudent VI
  • How do student services respond to changing POLITICAL contexts such as new government regulations and policies, and new legislative initiatives?
  • How do student services respond to changing ECONOMIC contexts such as dynamic labor- and housing markets, demographic change or economic development?
  • How do student services respond to changing SOCIAL contexts such as diversity of students, different or new needs in student income, student health, or student success?
  • How do student services respond to changing CULTURAL contexts such as new youth cultures, generational conflicts, changing expectations?

The event is targeted at the leadership level in student affairs and services, such as Vice-Chancellors / Vice-Rectors and directors of student service departments, Studentenwerke and similar institutions. The German-Polish colloquium is open to European colleagues; the entire event will be translated simultaneously into English, Polish and German.

Next to the exchange of professional experiences and knowledge, the colloquium provides opportunities to develop cooperation’s with Polish universities and student services institutions in other European countries.

Conference fees are €260,- per participant (this includes all meals and cultural programmes, but does not include accommodation). The fees are also applicable to all speakers. A limited number of scholarships is available, particularly to speakers from Central- and Eastern Europe. Please contact DSW for further information on this.

A call-for-presentations is now open. Online registration opens in March 2018.

Quelle: Deutsches Studentenwerk DSW Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Polen Deutschland Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen
