1st TCI Asia Competitiveness Forum

Zeitraum: 28.04.2010 - 29.04.2010 Ort: Neu-Delhi Land: Indien

TCI and Institute for Competitiveness, India, are organizing the 1st TCI Asia Competitiveness Forum to be held the 28th and 29th of April 2010, in New Delhi, India. The Forum will focus on the theme of “Competitiveness, Clusters and Development”. The conference will talk of issues related to competitiveness, clusters, social impact of clusters, SMEs and clusters, economic development, regional competitiveness, cross national issues, equitable growth, sustainability, policy imperatives, corporate role in economic development and eventually alleviating poverty at Asia level with specific focus on firm strategy, impact of clusters and policy imperatives.

Integrating with businesses from Asia is a challenge and an opportunity businesses from rest of the world face. The Asia Competitiveness Forum shall bringforth cohesive and synergistic fruition of this integration, allowing entire mankind to have a pursuit of sustainable growth – economic and social. New Delhi 2010 will be the first conference that talks of issues related to competitiveness, clusters, social impact of clusters, SMEs and clusters, economic development, regional competitiveness, cross national issues, equitable growth, sustainability, policy imperatives, corporate role in economic development and eventually alleviating poverty at Asia level with specific focus on firm strategy, impact of clusters and policy imperatives.

The conference will have an academic track, a practitioner track, special training sessions, thematic debates, roundtables, networking events, private sector events, cluster tours etc. Speakers and contributors will come from the government, think tanks, academia and practitioners who are working in the area of competitiveness, clusters and economic growth.

With nearly half the humanity residing in Asian countries and Asian countries becoming the engine of growth, the competitiveness of the entire planet is incumbent on enhanced competitiveness of Asian countries. Therein lies the tremendous need for providing pragmatic solutions towards superlative prosperity of people in these countries.

Asia’s business axis is poised at an interesting inflection point, surging towards more evolved business models and innovation centricity. This is how its firms, industries and clusters over multitudinous sectors shall serve the changing and growing demand for ideas, goods and services for Asian region and rest of the world.

In case you are interested in contributing an academic paper, or in organizing a special training session, thematic debate etc., please write to Dr Amit Kapoor (amit.kapoor(at)competitiveness.in) with an abstract or proposal of 500 words by January 24, 2010. The evaluation committee’s decisions would be conveyed by January 31, 2010. All academic contributions would be published in compendium of proceedings; the special issue of the Journal of Competitiveness would publish best 6 papers (after due double blind review), and presentations at the conference would be made available online.

Special events on flanks are the launch of India Economic Quarterly, release of special issue of the Journal of Competitiveness and ranking of constitutencies in India.

Conference Secretariat
Institute for Competitiveness
U – 24 / 8, First Floor, DLF Phase – 3
Gurgaon – 122 002, India
Tel.: +91 124 4068076 
Fax: +91 124 4376676
E-Mail: acf(at)competitiveness.in   

Adresse: Veranstaltungsort: Neu-Delhi Indien Quelle: TCI Network Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Indien Themen: Netzwerke Innovation
