28th World Conference on Science and Technology Parks

Zeitraum: 19.06.2011 - 22.06.2011 Ort: Kopenhagen Land: Dänemark


"Science parks not efficient" - OECD
Over the last couple of years, and recently with the worldwide financial crisis, the support for entrepreneurs and high growth companies have proven to be more and more important in order to secure the welfare systems of tomorrow. However, recent analysis from OECD suggests that the current model most science parks and incubators are using, might not be the most efficient way to achieve this ambitious goal.

2011 Revision of STP role in society
In 2011 Scion DTU and Symbion wish to highlight some of the new ways to secure growth and support the rise of new generations of born global companies by focusing on the role of STPs in solving- or at least assisting in doing so - the major challenges facing our communities. In other words creating:

’Roadmaps for Future Navigation’

These ways will aim at increasing the specialization of STPs and incubators to give the full social economic impact to society. Attention will be focused on the role to be played by STPs in responding to the global challenges and the further development of sustainable growth and prosperity.

STP Basic areas
IASP 2011 has identified 3 basic areas that affect the very foundation of STPs. These will guide our way towards creating ’Roadmaps for Future Navigation’. They are:

  • People & Competences
  • Economics & Policy
  • Technology & Innovation

In these 3 basic areas, we find most of the deciding factors to the success or failure of STPs and their ability to adapt to market needs. And it is these 3 basic areas of the STP universe that forms the impetus of the IASP 2011 Conference in Copenhagen.

Conference process
The program for the two and a half day conference will be divided into an opening ceremony, several plenary sessions and parallel sessions on specific topics. Each session is distinct and unique in content and emphasis, and various forms of sessions will be used such as plenary, workshops, debate forums, future walls etc.

After the conference there will be the chance to visit four danish science parks.

Adresse: Veranstaltungsort: Arni Magnussons Gade 2 1577 Kopenhagen Dänemark Kontakt: C/ Maria Curie, 35 (PTA) Malaga Spanien Telefon: +34 95 202 83 03 Fax: +34 95 202 04 64 iasp@iasp.ws Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Global Themen: Netzwerke Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Förderung Infrastruktur Innovation
