StartseiteLänderAsienAsien: Weitere arabische Länder (Libanon, Syrien, Jemen und Golfstaaten)37°C Life Sciene - Technologie- und Geschäftskonferenz zu "Digitaliserung in der Gesundheitswirtschaft"

37°C Life Sciene - Technologie- und Geschäftskonferenz zu "Digitaliserung in der Gesundheitswirtschaft"

Zeitraum: 19.06.2018 - 20.06.2018 Ort: Stavanger Land: Norwegen

The second 37 ºC Life Science Technology & Business Conference will be held on 19th to 20th June 2018 in Stavanger Forum in Norway.

The headline for 37 °C in 2018 is "Digitalising health". In addition to plenary sessions there will be parallel sessions on digitalising healthcare, digitalisation in biotech, a venture session and workshops on specific topics including nutrition.

37 ºC is an international business platform for industry, research and innovation:

  • Early-stage companies can meet international partners, customers and investors.
  • Investors can meet early-stage companies, co-investors and get market updates.
  • Industry, hospitals and care providers can meet technology companies, entrepreneurs and new talent.
  • R&D and academia can expose projects, access industry and investors.
  • Regulators can exchange with industry, R&D and academia. Furthermore, 37 ºC is an ideal opportunity for high profile political discussions.
Quelle: 37°C Life Science Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Norwegen Global Themen: Lebenswissenschaften Wirtschaft, Märkte Information u. Kommunikation Innovation
