Algerische Business- und Investmentkonferenz

Zeitraum: 23.10.2012 - 24.10.2012 Ort: Algiers Land: Algeria

We are pleased to invite you to the 2012 flagship investment event the "Algeria Business and Investment Summit", firmly scheduled for 23 and 24 October in Algiers.

It is organised by Euroconvention MENA with the collaboration of ANDI (Algeria National Agency for Investment Development). Being one of the few countries in the world without sovereign debt, Algeria is building on a strong basis for future growth. Investment increases in line with diversification efforts put in place by the Government and its attractive policy for foreign partners. Joint ventures, further international trade and investment opportunities are on the agenda!

Several relevant Ministries, Agencies and IFIs will participate and speak in the various sessions spread over the 2-days event and focusing this year on:

  • Infrastructure, public works and construction
  • Renewable energy
  • Telecom and ICT.

We have noted keen interest from a number of companies like yours that have been contacted so far, so make sure you save the date and register today to benefit from the early bird discount till 20th August.

PROGRAMME and REGISTRATION Places are allocated on a first come first served basis as we expect this Summit to be sold out soon. The provisional programme and the registration form are available strictly upon your inquiry to info(at) . Kindly send us an email and we will reply by return. CORPORATE PACKAGES There are possibilities to participate as exhibitor or sponsor (and speaker), to host a luncheon, etc.

Please contact one of us

Tel.: +32 2 733 59 40
E-Mail: tdecraecker(at)  

Tel.: +32 2 733 59 40
E-Mail efc(at) 

Tel.: +421 257 272 856
E-Mail pbobev(at)

and we will be pleased to discuss the best format of participation for your company.

Quelle: MENA Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Algerien Themen: Wirtschaft, Märkte
