Die Junge Akademie at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina together with the Arab World Academy of Young Scientists is inviting early-career researchers to submit applications for membership in the bilateral Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA).
The AGYA is a project of Die Junge Akademie and the Arab World Academy of Young Scientists in cooperation with the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. The main objective of the AGYA is to advance the academic exchange of young researchers from Germany and the Arab countries.
The AGYA aims to establish a community of outstanding Arab and German researchers, who are at an early stage of their academic careers, and support joint innovative projects in various fields of research, science policy, and education across different disciplines in Sciences and Humanities. Members of
the AGYA will meet regularly (at least once a year) to develop and implement joint research initiatives and to enhanceresearch cooperation between scholars from Germany and the Arab countries. Travel expenses will be covered by the AGYA. Membership in the AGYA will be granted for threeyears with an option of two more years and the membership of a life-long Alumni network, depending on evaluation and funding availability. The working language of the AGYA is English.
The AGYA is autonomous with regard to the format and content of its academic activities offering its members a unique opportunity to take an active part in the life of the Academy Call for Applications Membership of The Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities and to implement with other members their own ideas, visions and projects in the framework of Arab-German research cooperation.
Early-career scholars from various fields in Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering, and Arts are eligible to apply. Prospective candidates must have received their Ph.D. no longer than three to ten years ago at the time of application and must be affiliated with a university or a research institution in Germany or in an Arab country.
Successful candidates are expected to have a proven record of highest research excellence in their field of specialisation. Candidates with very strong potential for academic leadership will be given priority. Genuine interest in interdisciplinary research in an international environment is essential.
Membership in the AGYA requires active engagement. Successful candidates are expected to be able to dedicate a fair amount of their time to activities and projects of the Academy.
Prospective candidates are asked to submit applications in English including a Motivation Letter, a CV with a list of publications, and two letters of academic reference as a single PDF document before 30 September 2013, to: agya(at)diejungeakademie.de
Interviews with selected candidates may be held by the advisory board of the AGYA (via telephone). Elected members will be required to attend the opening conference of the AGYA in Doha, Qatar (20-24 November 2013).
For further questions please contact:
agya-office(at)diejungeakademie.de or arabways(at)agu.edu.bh
“Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanitites” (AGYA)
- 30.09.2013
Länder / Organisationen:
Bildung und Hochschulen
Berufs- und Weiterbildung
Ethik, Recht, Gesellschaft
Geistes- und Sozialwiss.