Bio Africa Convention 2019

Zeitraum: 26.08.2019 - 28.08.2019 Ort: Durban Land: Südafrika

The BIO Africa Convention 2019 provides a platform to showcase bio-innovations from the broader biotech community of the Africa, creating an enabling environment for commercialization of local innovations. The conferences and the exhibition offer dialogue and discussion with stakeholders and achieve sharing and knowledge transfer of highly updated and relevant information from across the globe with a special emphasis on Africa.

The agenda includes scientific sessions, keynote presentations by renowned scientists and policy makers, workshops and panel discussions. EUREKA representatives will be available to inform the participants about the services and funding opportunities available to setup international innovative projects.

Quelle: EUREKA Redaktion: von Miguel Krux, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Südafrika Eureka Themen: Engineering und Produktion Innovation Lebenswissenschaften Wirtschaft, Märkte

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