Life Science Ambassador Christian Rhee, based in Seoul, South Korea will be visiting Koreas premier bio-event BIO Korea 2010, where you can meet the most prominent companies and science institutions in one place. BIO Korea presents enthusiastic involvement from overseas, presentation of innovative bio products, and more opportunities to connect with your financial and technological partners. More information on BIO Korea can be seen in event brochure.
Christian Rhee will help you with:
- Get assistance in making appointments with Korean companies and organizations before, during and after the event.
- Facilitating meetings in Korean language
- Make hotel reservations
At BIO International Convention in USA 3-6 May, it will be possible to meet with the organisers from BioKorea 2010. To learn more about where to meet the organisers of BioKorea or make an appointment, please contact the organisers directly at jml(at) or contact our Life Science Ambassador Christian Rhee.
Christian Rhee
Mobil: +45 2630 1960 (DK/S) oder +82 10 2887 1960 (Südkorea)
E-Mail: christian.rhee(at)