StartseiteLänderAsienAsien: Weitere arabische Länder (Libanon, Syrien, Jemen und Golfstaaten)Deutsch-Französisches Kolloquium: Europäische Studentwerk Konferenz zu gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung

Deutsch-Französisches Kolloquium: Europäische Studentwerk Konferenz zu gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung

Zeitraum: 21.08.2017 - 25.08.2017 Ort: Berlin Land: Deutschland

The French and German national networks for student affairs and services, the Cnous and Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW), invite to a biannual student affairs conference taking place this summer from August 21-25, 2017 in the German capital city.

The conference is entitled “Societal Responsibility: Challenges for Student Services between Safety and Open Societies” and aims to look at the challenges that arise from the tension between open, diverse and democratic societies and campus safety. With a view to the strong commitment of student affairs to students’ well-being, diversity, equal rights and student participation, this theme is discussed in a number of keynote addresses.

Furthermore, parallel workshops will look in-depth at pressing issues in student affairs, and present good practice examples in student housing, dining services, counselling, culture, and international relations from a number of countries.

This French-German lighthouse event is now open for a European international public working in student affairs and services either within higher education institutions or in public service providers such as the Studentenwerke in Germany or the Crous in France.

The colloquium is also a opportunity to network with student services colleagues from across Europe and to discover innovative approaches and best practices in fields such as student counselling, student housing, dining services, and student administration.

Conference languages are German, French and English. The registration fee is 500,- Euros. Registration closes on June 26, 2017.

Quelle: Deutsches Studentenwerk Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Frankreich Deutschland Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen
