EU-CELAC Senior Officials Treffen (SOM)

Zeitraum: 03.04.2014 - 04.04.2014 Ort: San José Land: Costa Rica

This year’s annual EU-CELAC SOM will take place in San José, Costa Rica from 03-04 of April, 2014. As Costa Rica holds the current presidency of CELAC, this event is organized by its Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunication (MICITT).

The Senior Officials Meetings (SOM) with EU-CELAC representatives was established as a regular bi-regional dialogue on Research & Innovation (R&I) to consolidate EU-CELAC cooperation to implement the Joint Initiative on Research and Innovation (JIRI) by updating common priorities, encouraging mutual policy learning and ensuring the proper implementation and effectiveness of cooperation instruments through biannual Action Plans. Five thematic Working Groups in the following priority areas are established: Energy, Information and Communications Technologies, Bioeconomy, Biodiversity & Climate Change and Health. The EU-CELAC Senior Officials Meeting are taking place once a year, alternating between Latin America and the Caribbean countries and the EU. The SOM delegates will be updated among others on the current activities for implementing the Joint Initiative on Research and Innovation, the development of the bi-regional international cooperation and thematic projects and will decide on topics for the ERANet-LAC Joint Calls.


Sophie v. Knebel
Phone: +49 228 3821-1628
E-Mail: sophie.knebeldoeberitz(at)

Quelle: Internationales Büro, Projektträger im DLR Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: EU Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Nicaragua Argentinien Bolivien Brasilien Chile Ecuador Kolumbien Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela sonstige Länder Themen: Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen sonstiges / Querschnittsaktivitäten

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