The DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service and DWIH - German House for Research and Innovation New Delhi, together with the Jadavpur University Kolkata, bring to you the next edition of the Falling Walls Lab India 2018. This initiative is supported by the Federal Foreign Office, Germany.
Falling Walls Lab is a competition that provides young researchers and entrepreneurs a platform to present their research project business plan or social initiative. The challenge is to present this in just 3 minutes!
The winner gets to compete with Falling Walls Lab winners from across the world at the global Lab finale that takes place in Berlin on 8 November 2018, and also gets a ticket to the Falling Walls Conference on 9 November where leaders from science, industry and policy-making meet. The trip to Berlin is financed by the DWIH - German House for Research and Innovation New Delhi. Application Deadline: 7 February 2018.