GIGA 2013 - Akademische Workshops der Universität Köln

Zeitraum: 16.09.2013 - 19.09.2013 Ort: Neu-Delhi Land: Indien

The University of Cologne will be organising four different workshops (GIGA 2013) in the fields of Geography, Inorganic Chemistry, German Language and Literature and Anthropology in September in New Delhi.

GIGA 2013 is the result of successful grant of funds to University of Cologne from the German House for Research and Innovation New Delhi (DWIH). The duration of the workshops shall be 2-3 days for each of the four events.

The topics

  • Geography: Assessing the change of water resources in small and meso-scale watersheds
  • Inorganic Chemistry: Advanced Materials Challenges for Alternative Energy Solutions (AMAES)
  • German Language and Literature: Literature and Media Culture of the Present Age / Possibilities of Their Didactic Imparting
  • Anthropology: The cultural, economic and socio-ecological dynamics of peri-urban land-use change in the Global South and their implications for regional developmen
Quelle: APD - Termine Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Indien Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen

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