The biggest international partnership forum for energy and environmental technologies in Germany Green Ventures takes place in Potsdam from June 18th to 20th already for the 17th time. During the last years, all together more than 4.300 national and international companies from 115 states have taken part in the event in Brandenburg. The partnership forum with its concept can look back at 17 years of success in Potsdam and abroad: Several times in the past the Green Ventures were carried out also outside Germany, in China, in Italy, in Brazil on the biggest environmental fair, FIMAI and lastly in the Arabian Gulf States. Since its foundation in 1998 the event has grown steadily and takes a firm place in the field of green technologies today – a Brandenburg successful model for the initiation of cooperation contacts.
This year’s partnership forum, emphasising soil, water, air, energy, construction, recycling, and renewable materials will feature business-to-business talks, presentations and an excursion but also a Venture Capital Event. In this framework participants can present their promising projects and meet investors. The partner country in 2014 will be Great Britain – an interesting market for suppliers of energy technologies since the country is aiming to become a low carbon economy in the coming years.
International companies and institutions from the whole world will make the event also this year a success. High-ranking politicians are expected as well.
Participants select their desired partners for the business-to-business talks by a catalogue of participant profiles before the event. The event organiser, the Potsdam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, provides each participant with an individual appointment plan based on these selections. This makes the Green Ventures an efficient forum for establishing business contacts to firms, institutions and local and national authorities world-wide.
The Green Ventures are supported by the European Commission, the State of Brandenburg, the ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH and the iFUS Institute Berlin (Institute of integrated information technology and media creation).
Registration / Information:
IHK Potsdam
Olivia Liebert
Phone: +49 331-2786-24
E-Mail: olivia.liebert(at)