StartseiteLänderAsienAsien: Weitere arabische Länder (Libanon, Syrien, Jemen und Golfstaaten)Innovation 3.0: Challenges, Needs and Skills of the New Innovation Era - TII 2010 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, 28-30 April, Düsseldorf (D)

Innovation 3.0: Challenges, Needs and Skills of the New Innovation Era - TII 2010 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, 28-30 April, Düsseldorf (D)

Zeitraum: 19.03.2010 - 30.04.2010 Ort: Düsseldorf Land: Deutschland

Innovation 3.0: Challenges, Needs andSkills of the New Innovation Era
TII 2010 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, 28-30 April, Düsseldorf (D)

Organised by TII and hosted by innowise and Zenit, this conference brings together future-minded practitioners and thought leaders from industry, technology transfer and innovation management as well as political stakeholders. Theconference format includes presentations selected from a public call, inspiring keynote sessions and panel discussions. Furthermore, special moderated interactive innovation cafes will be organized to facilitate small group experience exchange. The event will be live streamed in the Internet.

For further information concerning registration and accomodation please contact:


Why Innovation 3.0? Innovation and technology transfer are especially hot topics intoday's rapidly changing world, all the more so as innovation is regarded as one of the major levers for overcoming the global financial and economic crisis. New paradigms of innovation appear which reflect the challenges of bringing together and exploiting globally distributed knowledge for new technology, products and services. Over the past decade we have experienced "Open Innovation" (aka Innovation 2.0) following on from the conventional closed innovation model (aka Innovation 1.0). We became familiar with user integration, open technology transfer models and impressive case studies coming mainly from large industry. "Innovation 3.0" raises the vital question: is there a third way, especially for SMEs, to master the challenges of balancing closed and open innovation? What are the needs and skills which are relevant to innovation players, on a corporate, intermediary and policy level?
The TII conference is an excellent opportunity to get connected with people coming from different professional backgrounds from both the private and public sector who share the same passion for innovation and technology transfer. In this way the conference is guaranteed to provide excellent networking opportunities set against a backcloth of a dynamic local Düsseldorf culture.

The conference theme addresses the interests of those working in innovation support and technology transfer organisations -- SME support organisations, regional development agencies, technology and innovation
centres, science parks, university transfer offices, innovation consultancies, national innovation agencies -- who are keen to keep abreast of new trends and thinking in innovation support and who wish to be fit and agile when facing the challenges, needs and skills of the new innovation era.

The conference takes place on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 April 2010 at the Hilton Hotel, Georg-Glock Strasse 20, 40474 Duesseldorf.

The Annual General Meeting and welcome reception will be held at the premises of our host organisation ZENIT GmbH, Bismarkstrasse 28, 45470 Muelheim an der Ruhr on Wednesday 28 April, starting at 18.00.

Adresse: Veranstaltungsort: Georg-Glock Strasse 20 40474 Düsseldorf Deutschland Kontakt: 3, rue Aldringen L-1118 Luxemburg Luxemburg Telefon: +352 46 30 351 Fax: +352 46 21 85 Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: EU Themen: Innovation

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