The past 12 months has seen a resurgence in the global economy and especially in the semiconductor industry that is forecasted to continue into 2011. The European micro/nano-electronics industry has taken advantage of these conditions with companies across the EU and beyond reporting strong business activity.
Europe has strong capabilities in many key areas of the semiconductor and related industries. Under the title “How to capitalize on European strengths along the semiconductor value chain” the conference aims to stimulate discussion that will allow the exploitation of these strengths to their fullest extent. To this end, Europe needs to:
- Leverage its strong position in advanced research
- Commercialise R&D achievements
- Build on its diverse manufacturing base
- Maintain advanced manufacturing capability
- Exploit niche and developing markets
There are many examples of such activity across Europe and SEMI’s ISS executive symposium will once again gather industry leaders to discuss their strategies and capabilities, stimulate debate on how to ensure Europe exploits its many strengths and takes full advantage of developing markets.
The conference will address these key challenges and encourage discussion and debate. Day 1 focuses on the market and related business implications with industry sector leaders and forecasters providing a comprehensive view of industry developments. This is complemented by a panel in which manufacturers representing the diverse nature of Europe’s capabilities discuss the issues around successful device manufacturing in Europe.
Day 2 looks at Europe’s technical strengths and its participation in all aspects of the industry – from 450mm through More Moore to More than Moore – showing capability across all key development areas.