Over 200 academics, technology transfer professionals, industry representatives, entrepreneurs and policy makers are engaged in a rich dialogue over two days at the 2013 University-Industry Interaction Conference in Amsterdam. The conference will provide exposure to the latest research results and good practice case studies through presentations from leading experts on university-industry interaction, and provide opportunities for the discussion of the future for interaction between university and industry.
With the confirmation of Dr. John Bell from Philips Research, the conference has finalised a first-class speakers list with some of the major organizations involved in University-Industry Interaction represented, including:
- Dr. John Bell, Vice-President and Head of Strategy and Business Development at Philips Research
- Prof. Henry Etzkowitz, President of the Triple Helix Association
- Dr. David Docherty, Chief Executive of the British Council For Industry and Higher Education
- Lucia Recalde Langarica, European Commission, Head of Unit - European Institute of Innovation & Technology
- Philippe Vanrie, CEO of the European Business & Innovation Centre Network
- Dr. Laurent Mieville, Author of "From Science to Business", Past President of ASTP
Several prestigious journals in the area of university-industry interaction and innovation are developing special issues, based on the papers submitted to the University-Industry Interaction Conference:
- The International Journal of Technology Management
- The Journal of Industry & Higher Education
- The International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation
- The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
- The International Journal of Technology Marketing
More than a dozen organisations are contributing to the conference through their participation in discussion panels, workshop organisation or hosting a track session, including:
- OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)
- Dutch National Patent Office
- ESMU (European Centre for Strategic Management of Universities)
- ISPIM (International Society for Professional Innovation Management)
- AURIL (Association for University Research and Industry Links)
An early-bird registration deadline exists and last until Monday the 25th of March.