Minatec Crossroads 2010

Zeitraum: 21.06.2010 - 24.06.2010 Ort: Grenoble Land: Frankreich

For one week, the world's leading researchers and manufacturers in micro and nanotechnologies
will meet at the MINATEC campus in Grenoble, France.

MINATEC Crossroads offers a unique opportunity to network with international-caliber researchers, leaders of industry,
and top academics in the fields of micro and nanotechnologies.


Nano4Med workshop: "Nanostructures for clinical diagnosis and therapy"  

The application of nanostructures like nanoparticles, in medicine opens new horizons due to their outstanding physical and chemical properties at the nanoscale. Nano4Med will present 10 invited lectures on leading edge research and development of the most promising nanoassemblies specifically designed for human in vivo use. Clinical applications cover drug delivery systems, therapeutic and imaging agents among others. Key topics like toxicology, nanocharacterisation, scalability and translation to the clinics will also be addressed. A special emphasis will be put on nanostructures under industrial development, with participation of nanopharmaceuticals companies.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Prof. Heinrich WALT, University Hospital, Zurich
  • Prof. Michel DELEERS UCB Pharma, Braine l'Alleud
  • Dr Rachel AZELY, CERMAV, Grenoble
  • Prof. Claus-Michael LEHR, Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research, Saarbruecken
  • Dr Philippe RIZO, Fluoptics, Grenoble
  • Dr Laurent LEVY, Nanobiotix, Paris
  • Prof. Juergen BORLAK Fraunhofer Institute of Toxicology and Experimental Medicine, Hannover
  • Prof. Rogerio CASPAR Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade, Lisboa
  • Dr Jean-Luc COLL, Institut Albert Bonniot, Grenoble
  • Dr Patrice MARCHE INSERM, Grenoble

Nano4Med is a one day workshop, part of the Minatec Crossroads'10 week of events. It is jointly organised by CEA-Leti and the Grenoble cluster on nanobiotechnology, NanoBio.

Adresse: Veranstaltungsort: Grenoble Frankreich Quelle: Cluster NanoMikro+Werkstoffe.NRW Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Frankreich Global Themen: Lebenswissenschaften Physik. u. chem. Techn.
