Øresund IT and members at the World Expo 2010

Zeitraum: 20.10.2010 - 26.10.2010 Ort: Shanghai Land: China

In October, Øresund IT brings a delegation of member ICT organizations to the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai - to speak, network and present products and services.

southernswedenexpo.cnIn collaboration with Region Skåne, Øresund IT will be represented at the World Expo 2010. The Swedish Pavilion has offered to bring focus to ICT solutions and stakeholders which is why a delegation of companies will go to Shanghai in October.

  • We have invited several members of Øresund IT to join us to Shanghai, because they will get the optimal opportunity to meet new partners or clients not only from the Asian market, but from all over the world at an event like this, says Network Manager of Øresund IT, Philip Stankovski.

Apart from offering the participating companies meeting facilities and events for prospective or current partners, the pavilion also offers auditoriums for workshops and speeches on specific ICT topics.

  • Being present at the Expo and leading the focus to ICT is especially important to us, because we are right now working to spread the message about how great and attractive we actually are in the Øresund Region, says Karina Kolter, Communications Manager of the BrandIT project, led by Øresund IT. She continues;
  • Strategically it makes sense to meet colleagues from other ICT clusters in the world as well as possible investors and employees and tell them about the options and competencies of the ICT cluster in the Øresund Region. That is why Øresund IT will be bringing its members to the Expo; because they really have some great, fun and interesting things to show and say.

Øresund IT will be represented at the World Expo in Shanghai, October 20-26, 2010. Please contact Network Manager Philip Stankovski og Communications Manager Karina Kolter , if you wish further information about our activities during the Expo.

Adresse: Veranstaltungsort: Schwedischer Pavillion Shanghai China Telefon: +86 158 2159 1029 info@expo2010.se Kontakt: Minc Anckargripsgatan 3 211 19 Malmö Schweden Telefon: +46 46 222 1740 philip.stankovski@oresund.org Quelle: Øresund IT Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Dänemark Schweden China Themen: Information u. Kommunikation Wirtschaft, Märkte
