Opportunities in Geoscience and Geotechnology I

Zeitraum: 13.02.2011 - 18.02.2011 Ort: Santos - SP Land: Brasilien

In the frame of the German-Brazilian Year of Science, Technology and Innovation 2010/11, two workshops and one visiting tour are organized by Prof. Dr. Ulrich A. Glasmacher (University Heidelberg), Prof. Dr. Peter C. Hackspacher (Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro), Dr. Bertram Heinze (DWIH, Sao Paulo) and Dr. Ute Münch (GEOTECHNOLOGIEN) under the theme of “Opportunities in Geosciences and Geotechnology”.

The first workshop is held in Santos, Brazil from 13.02.2011 to 18.02.2011. 22 German and 23 scientist and representatives of German and Brazilian administration and technology will provide overview talks at the first workshop in Santos, Brazil and partly at the second workshop in Heidelberg (University Heidelberg), Germany (31.03.2011 to 01.04.2011).

The visiting tour is scheduled between the 27.03.2011 and 30.03.2011 and will bring 10 Brazilian scientists and representatives of the State Sao Paulo and three Brazilian Universities as well as four scientist from Petrobras together with scientists from the leading German Institutes of Marine Sciences, the Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften IFM-GEOMAR, the Alfred Wegener Institute Foundation for Polar and Marine Research, and the MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences.

The objective of the two workshops and the visiting tour is the outline of joined research topics for future activities and research cooperation’s between Brazilian and German scientist in different research fields like »Marine Geosciences and Geotechnology«, »Geophysics and Geodesy«, and »Scientific Drilling«.

Renowned scientist and representatives from the industry will join and discuss these topics, the possibilities for cooperation and the need for further joint research.

During the first workshop in Santos, Brazil, the integration of knowledge on science and technology of both countries in the future will be aspired. The workshop is scheduled as a platform to initiate cooperative research between Brazilian and German scientists and companies supplying technology and innovation in geoscientific fields for the future.

Beside scientific talks and discussions a poster session and an exhibition will be organized. Exhibitors and sponsors are welcome to inform and display their technologies and products.

The proposed two workshops and the visiting tour will provide the platform to gather experts from both countries to discuss joint research projects including joint development of marine technologies. The results will be summarized in a »white paper«. Combining scientific researchers with representatives from the industry supplying marine technologies will have a direct and lasting impact on the near future of joint scientific research.

Adresse: Veranstaltungsort: Av. Ana Costa, 555, Gonzaga 11060-003 Santos - SP Brasilien dwih@ahkbrasil.com Kontakt: Im Neuenheimer Feld 234 69120 Heidelberg Deutschland Telefon: 06221544866 Fax: 06221545503 ulrich.a.glasmacher@geow.uni-heidelberg.de Quelle: Universität Heidelberg Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Brasilien Themen: Förderung Geowissenschaften

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