StartseiteLänderAsienAsien: Weitere arabische Länder (Libanon, Syrien, Jemen und Golfstaaten)PhD Workshop in China - Deutsche Universitäten und Forschungsinstitute in Peking

PhD Workshop in China - Deutsche Universitäten und Forschungsinstitute in Peking

Zeitraum: 24.11.2012 - 25.11.2012 Ort: Peking Land: China

On 24 and 25 November, Chinese PhD candidates will have the chance of personal interviews with German representatives at the PhD Workshop China 2012 taking place at the Swissôtel Beijing.
The two-day career event offers Chinese graduate students a platform to get first-hand information on PhD programmes and postdoctoral research, admission procedures and funding in Germany and other countries. Organised by the Chinese Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), the event will provide aspiring doctoral candidates an opportunity to meet face-to-face with representatives, of overseas colleges and universities. On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and its campaign “Research in Germany – Land of Ideas”, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is coordinating the German delegation.

The German delegation includes the following institutions:

Berlin International Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy
Chemnitz University of Technology
Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" (Heidelberg University)
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Graduate Academy University Jena
Goethe Graduate Academy (Frankfurt)
Graduate School of Excellence Materials Science (Mainz)
Graduate School University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Hannover Biomedical Research School
Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences (Heidelberg)
Helmholtz Association of German National Research Centres
Institute of Medical Psychology (University of Magdeburg)
International Giessen Graduate School for Life Sciences
Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics
L3S Research Center (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich
Philipps-Universität Marburg
TU Dortmund University
Technische Universität München
University of Bayreuth
University of Münster

If you would like to meet with the German representatives in Beijing, please register in advance at the event website:

The German institutions look forward to welcoming you at the PhD Workshop 2012!

The German delegation to the PhD Workshop 2012 has been organised by the German Academic Exchange Service as part of the collaborative project “International Research Marketing”. Under the brand “Research in Germany” the German Academic Exchange Service, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft initiate various international events and communication measures funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to strengthen and expand R&D collaboration between Germany and international partners. *

For more information, please contact:

Sandra Roessler
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Research Marketing
+ 49 228 882 114

Media contact:
Anke Sobieraj
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Research Marketing
+ 49 228 882 858

Quelle: DAAD Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch Länder / Organisationen: China Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen Fachkräfte

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