StartseiteLänderAsienAsien: Weitere arabische Länder (Libanon, Syrien, Jemen und Golfstaaten)Science Agora 2016: EU-Delegation präsentiert europäisch-japanische Forschungskooperationen

Science Agora 2016: EU-Delegation präsentiert europäisch-japanische Forschungskooperationen

Zeitraum: 03.11.2016 - 06.11.2016 Ort: Tokio Land: Japan

Science Agora is an open arena for people from different sectors who desire a future society consistent with science. For the second year running, the Delegation of the European Union to Japan, together with Member State embassies, European research institutions and Japanese partners will put on a number of exciting activities showcasing Europe-Japan joint research projects and featuring talks by some of the foremost experts on topics related to the themes of this year's Science Agora to give further visibility to EU-Japan cooperation in research and innovation. 

The EU Delegation will host several events, like:

  • Inauguration: European Participation in Science Agora 2016 (4 November)
  • Booth: Europa Science House (3 & 6 November)
  • Agora Keynote Session: Arts, Science, Technology and Creativity (5 November)
Quelle: Die Europäische Kommission Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: EU Japan Themen: sonstiges / Querschnittsaktivitäten

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