Under the titel "EU-SC/CA Science, Technology and Innovation cooperation in addressing Societal Challenges: priorities, modalities and synergies between policies and instruments" the Policy Stakeholder Conference (PSC) in Tbilisi will be the 6th and last in a series of EU-EECA policy dialogue conferences organized under the IncoNet EECA and IncoNet CA/SC projects.
The event will:
- focus on Societal Challenges important for the region and relevant for Horizon 2020 (namely Climate Change, Energy and Health),
- create synergies with other EU policies and instruments and in particular with the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), building on the results of the IncoNet EECA project on that field,
- contribute to the prioritization and implementation of the Recommendations of the White Paper for the EU-EECA cooperation, a key deliverable of the IncoNet EECA project.
The goals of the PSC are:
- To present the state-of-the art and trends on the three selected Societal Challenges (Climate Change, Energy and Health) and to investigate how the CASC countries address them through their national (sectoral) policies and what role S&T plays in this process,
- To present the current state of affairs of H2020 with emphasis on the activities addressing Societal Challenges and International Cooperation.
- Participation is by invitation only.
Maria Josten
Phone: +49 228 3821 1415
14.11.2012 - 15.11.2012 in Tbilisi