Skolkovo Robotics 2013

Zeitraum: 10.02.2013 Ort: Samara Land: Russland

Skolkovo Robotics 2013 International Сonference

On February 10, 2013 at 11:00 AM in the Hypercube, the Skolkovo Insittute of Science and Technogy is participating as a partner in the Skolkovo Robotics 2013 International Conference to support research in the field of personal and service robotics.

The Skolkovo Foundation and the Ministry of Communications are hosting the conference with support from other partners, inlcuding RVC (Russian Venture Company), the Oleg Deripaska Foundation Volnoye Delo, Open University Skolkovo, Grishin Robotics, Vision Labs and the Polytechnical Museum.

Leading Russian and international experts as well as representatives of venture funds and research centers will also be participating in the event.

  • Victor Vekselberg, President of the Skolkovo Foundation;
  • Маrk Shmulevich, Deputy Minister of Communications;
  • Оleg Deripaska, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Basic Element;
  • Ed Seidel, Senior Vice President of Research and Innovation, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology;
  • Igor Agamirzyan, CEO Russian Venture Company;
  • Dmitry Grishin, Founder of the Venture Fund Grishin Robotics, Chairman of the Board of Directors Mail.Ru Group;
  • Steven Dubowsky, Director of MIT Space and Field Robotics Lab;
  • Yiannis Demiris, Professor in human-robot interaction, Imperial College London;
  • Gary Bradsky, Founder Industrial Perception and a library of algorithms for computer vision OpenCV;
  • Giorgio Metta, Assistant Professor, University of Genova

The conference opens with an exhibit of projects in robotics, where the Polytechnical Museum will present its collection of Vintage Robotics, as well as modern research into robotics. The program includes a plenary session, round table, thematic lectures and participation by international experts in the field.

The event will conclude with a showing of Robot and Frank: a science fiction film showing for the first time in Russia.

Date: February 10
Time: 11:00 to 19:00
Location: Hypercube, Skolkovo Innovation Center

For more information on the event:

Participation is free, however please register at this link:

If you are expected to arrive with your own vehicle, please inform us ahead of time and sen the make and license plate number.

Quelle: Skoltech - Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Russland Themen: Engineering und Produktion
