SOLAR-ERA.NET: Informations- und Matchmakingveranstaltung

Zeitraum: 24.02.2016 - 25.02.2016 Ort: Düsseldorf Land: Deutschland

SOLAR-ERA.NET is a network bringing together more than 20 research and technology development and innovation programmes in the field of solar electricity technologies in the European Research Area. The network of national and regional funding organisations has been established in order to promote transnational cooperation.

In order to exchange experience of ongoing transnational projects, bring up new project ideas in the area of solar power technologies, build strong consortia for new projects and learn about funding opportunities, SOLAR-ERA.NET is organising an Information and Match Making Event on 24th and 25th February 2016 in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Coordinators of funded and planned projects in the framework of SOLAR-ERA.NET are invited to network and to exchange their scientific and organisational experiences. The meeting is also an opportunity to create new ideas and proposals for future cooperation in follow-up activities of SOLAR-ERA.NET.

The event also addresses the broader community of research institutions, industry, governmental and non-governmental organisations interested in receiving information about SOLAR-ERA.NET activities, preliminary project results as well as future funding opportunities. Experts not yet involved in SOLAR-ERA.NET are invited to get in contact with potential European partners and to present their ideas.

Quelle: SOLAR-ERA.NET Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Deutschland Themen: Förderung Energie
