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The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy and Nation Branding in a Globalized World

Zeitraum: 29.07.2010 - 01.08.2010 Ort: Berlin Land: Deutschland

The July Session of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy will run from 25th July to 1st August. In addition to looking at the history and development of the field of cultural diplomacy, and its contemporary application across the world, the forthcoming Academy Session will look at the tools available to countries and cities wanting to shape their image abroad and will explore the roles of cultural diplomacy and nation branding in generating soft power for nation states.

The program will consist of lectures, panel discussions, seminars, as well as cultural and social activities that will explore the concepts of cultural diplomacy and nation branding in more detail, and consider the role of soft power in contemporary international relations. Participants of the July Academy Sessions will participate in the next ICD major event “Nation Branding in a Globalized World: An International Conference on the Economic, Political, and Cultural Dimensions of Nation Branding" (Berlin, 29th July - 01st August 2010).

“Nation Branding in a Globalized World” is a 4 day international conference being held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy that will explore the concept of nation branding and consider its importance in contemporary international relations. The conference is based on the growing influence of nation brands and the increasing importance placed on such brands by politicians, private sector representatives, and other stakeholders in global politics and economics. The program aims to focus on the challenges and opportunities of strengthening a country’s image abroad, and the impact of such activity on international relations.      

Further details can be found on:;  

Adresse: Veranstaltungsort: 10719 Berlin Deutschland Telefon: 004903023607680 Fax: 0049030236076811 Kontakt: 10719 Berlin Deutschland Telefon: 004903023607680 Fax: 0049030236076811 Quelle: ICD - institute for cultural diplomacy Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Global Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen Geistes- und Sozialwiss. Wirtschaft, Märkte
