The Nordic-German-Polish Cluster Excellence Conference 2011

Zeitraum: 26.05.2011 - 27.05.2011 Ort: Kopenhagen Land: Dänemark

At the conference you will have the opportunity to:

  • Meet and share experiences with more than 200 of the best cluster managers in Europe
  • Organise one-to-one business meetings with other cluster managers of your choice in order to explore further possibilities for collaboration
  • Hear the recommendations for cluster excellence performance based on an extensive benchmarking of almost 200 clusters - the largest benchmarking of this kind ever!
  • Participate in thematic and sector workshops focusing on best practice within areas of strategic interest of cluster managers – e.g. international collaboration, branding of the cluster, etc.
  • Learn more about the possibilities of getting financial support for international collaboration.
  • Hear the results of the benchmark of 15 different cluster programmes.
Adresse: Veranstaltungsort: Tietgensgade 65 Kopenhagen Dänemark Kontakt: Dänemark Telefon: (+45) 72318415 Quelle: Cluster Excellence online Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Dänemark Deutschland Island Norwegen Polen Schweden Themen: Netzwerke Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen
